Friday, August 31, 2012

Confession: I'm not confident that I've done enough

Have I done enough?

This is the question that is flooding my mind these past few days. As I prepare to send my first child to kindergarten, I wonder about all the things I should have/could have done different. I'm going to assume that it's better to be asking this question, "have I done enough" now, as opposed to when he leaves for college.  The question encompasses about a hundred other questions that I ask myself about my parenting.

I've always believed and known that each child is a precious gift, but up until recently I think I may have taken their lives for granted a bit. I haven't taken the time to remember that each life is such a miracle, and now that I've been reminded of this I want to embrace the miracles I have!

So now with one leaving me, I can't help but replay the past five years and wonder if I've done enough, if I've loved enough, hugged enough, played enough, laughed enough... I certainly can't turn back time, and don't really wish to, but I can be sure that while I may not have done enough in the past, I will do my best to do enough now. Loving each moment, laughing at every chance, hugging whenever arms are open, and making sure my babies know that they are a gift that I will celebrate daily!

Are we doing enough as parents, or are we so busy with life that we have forgotten how precious these gifts are?

       Enjoying morning snuggles instead of kicking them out!  


  1. No Joke, I was just crying over this last week! These past 8 months have been the biggest emotional roller coaster for me and in my wide ride, I took the focus off them a little bit. I started to realize this the other night when little Harry came to sleep with me and I had him in my arms and I had a hard time remembering when I did that last with him. Thank you for posting this. I have been having over whelming anxiety too about not doing enough before school starts. In these moments, I have to look back and be proud of the accomplishments that were made and not dwell on what was not done. This is all a learning experience. We are going to learn till the day they become parents of their own and then we have to think " are we doing enough for our grand children?" I just have to keep asking GOD for his strength and his presence and guide me to try to make the best decisions I can make for them and for us as a family. You guys do amazing with the kids. Defiantly role models. Have a great Holiday weekend :)

    1. Love your honesty in your comments! That's what it's all about, doing this together, learning, growing, sharing... You're doing an awesome job, being a parent is so hard. I'm not sure why we thought it would be so easy, HA!
